How to decipher the HEX code of a plane?
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This is a translation of the original article in Russian

Quite often when a new plane performs its maiden flight, there are discussions on what registration number will the plane get. The FlightRadar shows a HEX code, e.g. 155BBE.

What does this HEX code mean?

The ADS-B hex-code is a 24 bits hexadecimal number which contains (in case of Russian Federation) the following information: Country, Aircraft ownership, Registration number

  1. The first 4 bits denote a country according to codes assigned by ICAO. {0001} stands for Russian Federation. The full list of codes can be found here: (In Russian)
  2. Following 3 bits denote the aircraft ownership. In case of the local registry there are two options: {010} – civil aviation aircraft and {111} – owned by other body (in our case - owned by “SCAC” LLC (test aircrafts) or ones which will be exported for SJI — 97XXX)
  3. subsequent 17 bits contain the registration number of an the aircraft or the type of on-board emitting equipment (the latter is not applicable in our case).

For instance, the hex code 155BBE (hexadecimal) can be recorded as {000101010101101110111110} binary

  • {0001} – Russian Federation
  • {010} – Civil Aviation
  • Last 17 bits – is the aircraft’s registration number. In this case it's {10101101110111110} binary, or 89022 decimal.

And the result is: Hex code 155BBE is RA-89022

If you want to calculate it yourself, here are the instructions:

1. Switch the calculator into the Programmer mode and enter the HEX code you are converting: e.g. 155BBE

2. Push the AND button and enter the 1FFFF mask (Hit Ctrl+V).

3. Click the “=” button. The result is 15BBE

4. Now switch to the decimal mode and you will get 89022

19 Jan 2014 03:01

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