SuperJet International: agreement with Gazpromavia for SSJ-100 aircraft spares supply
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(WAPA) - SuperJet International (SJI) -a joint-venture between Alenia Aermacchi and Sukhoi Holding- has announced today the execution of a “Spares Agreement” with Gazpromavia, the first airline to operate the SSJ-100 aircraft in the Long Range version.

SJI will provide the Russian carrier with an initial provisioning of spares to support its SSJ-100 fleet operations. Gazpromavia will be able to rely on an immediate and secure availability of spares and services for scheduled and unscheduled maintenance events.

The agreement, which is worth over USD 8 million, was signed by SuperJet International Chief Executive Officer Nazario Cauceglia and Gazpromavia General Director Andrey Ovcharenko.

“We are planning to put in service our first Long Range SSJ-100 starting from February 2014 and we have decided to team up with SuperJet International for a reliable and world class spares support" states Gazpromavia General Director Andrey Ovcharenko.

"This agreement confirms the important commitment of SuperJet International in the SSJ-100 Program -states Nazario Cauceglia, Chief Executive Officer- SJI is in fact responsible for the after-sales support for the worldwide SSJ-100 customers. Since the Entry Into Service of the first SSJ-100 aircraft in 2011 we are offering to our valued Customers a broad and ever increasing range of services covering the full spectrum of after-sales activities".

Up to date SJI, which is also in charge of training on the SSJ-100, has trained 12 pilots, 25 cabin attendants, 40 maintenance technicians and additional 16 technicians for Gazpromavia airline.

The SSJ-100 Long Range (MSN 95033) was presented during a Delivery Ceremony held at the "MAKS Air Show" in Zhukovsky, (Moscow Region) in 2013. The aircraft features a full-economy configuration with 90 seats. In total Gazpromavia ordered 10 SSJ-100 Long Range. (Avionews)

(World Aeronautical Press Agency - 2014-01-29 04:57 pm)

29 Jan 2014 21:33

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