Первый коммерческий рейс в Sky

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24 Mar 2013 14:27

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Приветствие самолёта в аэропорте Соронг

Pekanbaru (Antara Bali) - Sukhoi Superjet (SSJ)100 aircraft of Sky Aviation airline began regular flight serving the Makassar-Sorong-Jayapura route.

The regular operation of the Russian made jetliner was marked with a joy flight on Saturday carrying members of the board of director of the company and secretary general of the Indonesian air carrier association (INACA) Tengku Burhanuddin.

"They were welcome by Sorong Mayor Lambertus Jitmau and city officials ," General Manager for Marketing of Sky Aviation Sutito Zainudin said.

The brand new aircraft with 87 seats will serve the route six times a week,Sutito told ANTARA news agency here on Sunday.

Makassar has been selected as the operation base for Sukhoi for Central and Eastern parts of Indonesia while seeking new potential routes, he said.

By phases in a month Sky will serve three new routes including Makassar-Balikpapan four times in a week, Makassar-Denpasar three times a week and Makassar-Luwuk everyday .

The number of the SSJ 100 aircraft will be increased to five units this year , Sutito said, adding SKY has ordered for 12 units of the same type of aircraft until 2015.


(опубликовано: musha)


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[[cell style="text-align: center; width: 452; font-size: 80%; font-style: italic;" class="image-box-caption"]]Приветствие самолёта в аэропорте Соронг

Pekanbaru (Antara Bali) - Sukhoi Superjet (SSJ)100 aircraft of Sky Aviation airline began regular flight serving the Makassar-Sorong-Jayapura route.

The regular operation of the Russian made jetliner was marked with a joy flight on Saturday carrying members of the board of director of the company and secretary general of the Indonesian air carrier association (INACA) Tengku Burhanuddin.

"They were welcome by Sorong Mayor Lambertus Jitmau and city officials ," General Manager for Marketing of Sky Aviation Sutito Zainudin said.

The brand new aircraft with 87 seats will serve the route six times a week,Sutito told ANTARA news agency here on Sunday.

Makassar has been selected as the operation base for Sukhoi for Central and Eastern parts of Indonesia while seeking new potential routes, he said.

By phases in a month Sky will serve three new routes including Makassar-Balikpapan four times in a week, Makassar-Denpasar three times a week and Makassar-Luwuk everyday .

The number of the SSJ 100 aircraft will be increased to five units this year , Sutito said, adding SKY has ordered for 12 units of the same type of aircraft until 2015.

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