Brussels Airlines to wet-lease Superjets

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12 Jan 2017 20:26 Источник
Alan Dron moc.lairotidetpeda|nordnala#moc.lairotidetpeda|nordnala

Brussels Airlines will expand the use of hired-in regional aircraft as it phases out a fleet of Avro RJ100s, the airline said Jan. 12.

The Belgian flag carrier will use three Sukhoi SSJ100 Superjets from Ireland-based CityJet beginning in April, when the aircraft start a two-year contract.

The Belgian airline’s management made a strategic decision two years ago to phase out regional aircraft, deciding instead to focus on Airbus A320-family single-aisle aircraft for medium-haul and A330s for long-haul routes.

As part of this program, the carrier disposed of four Avro RJ100 regional jets last year, with the remaining eight scheduled to leave the fleet by November 2017.

Some of the Avro’s duties will be taken on by A319s and A320s, VP-media relations Geert Sciot, but some routes required smaller aircraft. “We went onto the market a few months ago for a 100-seater replacement for the RJ100s. Several regional operators showed interest but, at the end of the day, [Irish regional] CityJet won.”

The Dublin-based airline won the contract on the basis of several criteria, including their previous experience of operating aircraft in the 100-seat category, he said. “It wasn’t a price-driven decision.”

The Irish company will fly the services with their own crews, but to Brussels Airlines’ cabin service standards. The routes to be flown have yet to be decided.

CityJet is the sole Western European operator of the Russian regional jet. It has 15 on order and plans initially to use them on services for other operators. Like Brussels Airlines, CityJet is phasing out a fleet of Avro RJs.

Brussels Airlines already uses aircraft from two UK airlines to help fulfill regional services. Flybe provides Bombardier Q400s, while bmi Regional operates Embraer E145s, both on an ACMI basis. Brussels Airlines and bmi Regional also have a codeshare arrangement.

(опубликовано: maverick-lab)

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