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  • 25 Feb 2022 08:19 95223 - type: '0' modification: B serialnumber: '95223' productionseries: '3' regnumber: '97029' ffyear: '2022' ffdate: '1645736400' signyear: '0' signdate: '' delyear: '0' deldate: '' first_operator: unknown operator: unknown status: stand_fly statustext: '' statustext_eng: '' planeimage: null stat_offset: '' flickrtags: '' shortdescription: ''...… (+0/0)
  • 01 Feb 2022 07:53 95222 - type: '0' modification: B serialnumber: '95222' productionseries: '3' regnumber: '97028' ffyear: '2022' ffdate: '1643662800' signyear: '0' signdate: '' delyear: '0' deldate: '' first_operator: azimut operator: azimut status: zhuk statustext: '' statustext_eng: '' planeimage: null stat_offset: '' flickrtags: '' shortdescription: '' description: ...… (+0/0)
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