Знакомство с семейством самолётов Bombardier CSeries
15 октября 2012 года / Bombardier / Aviation EXplorer


Management / Professional Services
Corena USA Inc. Technical Manuals: S1000D CSDB configuration kit
Design / Design Software
CAE Inc. Computer-aided Simulation: Engineering services & simulation based technology tools for design, testing & certification
Stirling Dynamics Ltd. Computer-aided Simulation: Load analysis
VISTAGY, Inc., a Siemens Company Computer-aided Design: FiberSim software
Materials / Composites
Cytec Engineered Materials Ltd Carbon Fibre: Advanced composite materials
Cytec Engineered Materials, Inc. Resins: CYCOM liquid resin infusion system for manufacturing of wing structural elements
DEMA SpA Subcontracted Composite Parts: Cockpit components
M. Torres Disenos Industriales S.A. Polymer Composite Tape Lay-down: Automatic tape laying systems
SAERTEX GmbH & Co. KG Polymer Composites: High-performance multi-axial and uni-directional non-crimp fabrics for the production of major primary structures
Toho Tenax Europe GmbH Carbon Fibre: Carbon fibre material
Materials / Metals
Alcan Global Aerospace Transportation & Industry (ATI) Superalloys: AIRWARE advanced aluminium-lithium alloy technology for primary structure; Aluminium: AIRWARE low density alloys
Amari Aerospace Ltd. Metal & Alloy Suppliers:
Titanium Industries Inc. Titanium: Suppy coordinator to Bombardier and all major titanium parts suppliers
Components / Actuation
Goodrich Actuation Systems Electromechanical Actuators: High lift flap & slat actuation systems, including actuators, power drive units, wing tip brakes, electronic control units, cockpit levers, transmission shafts & sensors. Thrust reverser actuation system for PW1000G engine.
Components / Bearings
SKF Group Bearings: Hydraulic rack & landing gear titanium bearings
Components / Electrical Components
Fokker Elmo BV Wire Harnesses: Wiring & interconnection system. Flight test & instrumentation wiring for certification
Components / Lighting
C & D Zodiac Cabin Lighting: Lighting system
Goodrich Aircraft Interior Products Aircraft Exterior Lighting Systems: External lighting systems; Aircraft Interior Lighting Systems: Cabin & maintenance lighting systems
Page Aerospace Ltd Aircraft Interior Lighting Systems:
Components / Mechanical Components
Woodward MPC Engine Control Quadrants: Throttle quadrant assembly
Components / Mechanical Connectors
SKF Group Rod Ends: Rod assemblies for flight control systems & doors
Components / Non-Mechanical Components
Precision Coil Spring Co. Springs:
Components / Passive Electronic Components
TTTech Computertechnik AG Data Bus: Time-triggered protocol (TTP) data bus for fly-by-wire system (through Parker Aerospace); and for flight control computer (through Rockwell Collins)
Components / Sensors, Transducers & Detectors
Meggitt Sensing Systems Sensors/Transducers: Sensor package for PW1524G engine (through Hamilton Sundstrand)
Components / Structural Components
Asco Industries N.V Flap/Slat Mechanisms: Flap supports system
Sonaca SA Flap/Slat Mechanisms: Wing slats & tracks
Zollern GmbH & Co. KG Investment Casting Metal & Alloy Castings: Cast housing for landing gear steering control unit; investment cast housing for air-water separator; Metal & Alloy Castings: Steel castings for landing gear
Components / Valves
Precision Components, Inc. Solenoid Valves:
Airframe Systems / Airframe Assemblies
AAR Precision Systems Aircraft Control Surfaces: Composite flap track fairings
Aero Vodochody a.s. Aircraft Control Surfaces: Wing fixed leading edges
Alenia Aeronautica SpA Aircraft Control Surfaces: Horizontal & vertical stabilizers, including hydraulic, electrical & flight control systems, lights & antennas
AVIC SAC Commercial Aircraft Company Ltd Fuselage Sections: Centre fuselage; Empennages: Tailcone structure; Aircraft Doors: ; Wings: Wing-to-fuselage wingbox
Bombardier Aerospace - Belfast Wings: Composite wings
Ducommun AeroStructures, Inc. Fuselage Sections: Fuselage skins
GKN Aerospace Services Winglets: Composite winglet
Magnaghi Aeronautica S.p.A. Wing Flaps: Composite inboard/outboard flaps; Wing Spoilers: ; Aircraft Doors: Main landing gear doors
Parker Aerospace Control Systems Fly-by-Wire Systems: Fly-by-wire flight control system
Senior Aerospace SSP Bleed Air Systems: High pressure bleed air & ram air ducting systems
Sonaca SA Wings: Fixed leading edges
Spirit AeroSystems, Inc. Fairings: Aft fairing package
Airframe Systems / Cabin Interiors
C & D Zodiac Passenger Seating: Seats; Aircraft Interiors: Interiors, including linings & monuments; Storage Bins: Bins; Galleys: ; Lavatory Equipment: Lavatories
Panasonic Avionics Corp. Cabin Management Systems: Cabin management system incorporating passenger address system
Airframe Systems / Environmental Systems
C & D Zodiac Acoustic Insulation: Insulation system; Airborne Waste Removal Systems: Waste system; Water Systems: Water system
Liebherr-Aerospace SAS Air Conditioning Equipment: Air management system, including environmental control & cabin pressure control system
Senior Aerospace BWT Air Conditioning Equipment: Low pressure air distribution systems for cabin & cockpit environmental control systems
Airframe Systems / Fluid Power
Parker Aerospace Hydraulic Systems Hydraulic Systems & Equipment: Hydraulics system
Airframe Systems / Landing Assemblies
Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH Aircraft Landing Gear: Landing gear system including main & nose landing gear, control & indication system, alternative release system, proximity sensing systems & steering control system
Meggitt Aircraft Braking Systems Corporation Aircraft Wheels: ; Carbon Brakes: Electro-mechanically actuated carbon brakes; Brake System Components: Brake control system & brake wear monitoring; tyre pressure indicating system
Michelin Aircraft Tire Corporation Tyres: NZG radial tyres
Airframe Systems / Oxygen Systems & Equipment
C & D Zodiac Oxygen Systems: Oxygen system
Airframe Systems / Safety & Security Systems
Kidde Aerospace & Defense Fire Fighting/Detection Systems: Integrated fire protection system including smoke & fire detectors, environmentally-friendly fire extinguishers & control electronics
Lufthansa Technik Emergency Lighting Systems: Guideline ColourFit floor proximity lighting system
Avionics / Avionic Components
Korry Electronics Co Control Panels: Integrated cockpit control panels using Opticon solid-state switching technology
Avionics / Flight and Data Management
L-3 Communications Aviation Recorders Flight Recorders: Voice & flight data recording system
Rockwell Collins Inc. Avionics Management Systems: Pro Line Fusion integrated avionics; Onboard Computers: Primary flight control computer, attitude heading computer for fly-by-wire flight control system
Avionics / Indicators and Instruments
Goodrich Sensors & Integrated Systems Air Data Computers: SmartProbe air data system
L-3 Communications Avionics Systems Electronic Flight Instrument Systems: GH-3900 electronic standby instrument system (as part of Pro Line Fusion)
Avionics / Navigation Aids (Airborne)
Honeywell Aerospace, Sensor & Guidance Products Inertial Components & Systems: Inertial reference system
Avionics / Warning Systems
Goodrich Sensors & Integrated Systems Ice Detectors: Ice detection system
Power Systems / Auxiliary Power
Honeywell Aerospace Auxiliary Power Units:
Power Systems / Electrical Power Systems
Hamilton Sundstrand Electric Systems Airborne Electrical Power Supplies: Electric power generation system; Power Distribution Equipment: Primary & secondary power distribution systems
Power Systems / Engine Components
Goodrich Aerostructures, Singapore Nacelles: Nacelle fan cowl doors, inlet outer barrels for PW1000G engine; Thrust Reversers: Thrust reverser outer cowl design & analysis for PW1000G engine
Meggitt Control Systems Engine Heat Exchangers: Thermal management packages for P&W GTF engines (through Hamilton Sundstrand)
MTU Aero Engines Engine Parts: Forward stages of the high-pressure compressor & high-speed low-pressure turbine for PW1524G engine
Spirit AeroSystems, Inc. Engine Pylons: Pylon & strut-to-wing hardware
Volvo Aero Corporation Engine Housings: Intermediate case, turbine exhaust case, low pressure turbine shaft (for Pratt & Whitney)
Power Systems / Engines
Pratt & Whitney Large Commercial Engines Turbofan Engines: Geared Turbo Fan engine (in development)
Power Systems / Fuel Systems
Parker Aerospace, Air & Fuel Division Fuel Tanks & Systems: Fuel system; fuel tank inerting system
Power Systems / Power Transmission
Avio S.p.A Gear Drives: Fan drive gear system for PW1500G engine
Production / Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Apriso Corporation CIM Software: FlexNet manufacturing software
Coriolis Composites SAS Industrial Robots: Automated fibre placement robots
VISTAGY, Inc., a Siemens Company Computer-aided Engineering: SynchroFIT software for fastener management
Production / Production Equipment
Flow International Corp. Waterjet Equipment: Waterjets for cutting composite wing skin panels (for Bombardier Belfast)
Production / Technical Consultants
Elisen Technologies Inc. Engineering Design Services: Engineering services for design & stress analysis of fuselage
Mecachrome Canada Engineering Design Services: Engineering services for design & stress analysis of fuselage
Production / Tooling
Advanced Integration Technology, Inc. Tooling: Final assembly line tooling
COAST Composites, Inc. Tooling: Production tooling for wings
Electroimpact Jigs & Fixtures: Assembly jigs for composite wing (to Bombardier Belfast)
Janicki Industries Tooling: Wing tooling
Testing / Computer-Aided Testing
Marinvent Corp Computer-aided Testing: Flight test management software
16 Jul 2012 17:30 (опубликовано: skydiver000)

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Последние новости bombardier.com
Entry-into-service of CS100 aircraft now expected in the second half of 2015, to be followed approximately six months afterwards by entry-into-service of the CS300 aircraft.
Bombardier Aerospace confirmed today that the CSeries aircraft program is making solid progress and initial performance results are in line with the company’s expectations. However, based on the thorough review of the CSeries program after the first flight of the CS100 on September 16, 2013, the flight test phase will require more time than originally anticipated to ensure, amongst other things, that the aircraft has the overall system maturity to support a successful entry-into-service. The CS100 aircraft’s entry-into-service is now scheduled for the second half of 2015 and will be followed by the CS300 aircraft’s entry-into-service approximately six months afterwards.
“We are taking the required time to ensure a flawless entry-into-service. We are very pleased that no major design changes have been identified, this gives us confidence that we will meet our performance targets,” said Mike Arcamone, President, Bombardier Commercial Aircraft. “While the process has taken more time than we had expected, our suppliers are aligned with the program’s schedule and together, we will continue to work closely to move the program steadily forward. With the first flight of flight test vehicle 2 (FTV2) successfully completed on January 3, 2014, the CSeries aircraft program will continue to gain traction over the coming months.”
CSeries aircraft
Designed for the growing 100- to 149-seat market, the 100 per cent new CSeries aircraft family combines advanced materials, leading-edge technology and proven methods to meet commercial airline requirements. Powered by Pratt & Whitney PurePower PW1500G engines, the CSeries aircraft family will offer a 15* per cent cash operating cost advantage and a 20* per cent fuel burn advantage. With the extra capacity seating option, the CS300 aircraft’s productivity further improves, offering airlines an average of four* per cent additional cash operating cost advantage per seat.
The CSeries aircraft’s clean-sheet design is ensuring that the aircraft will achieve greatly reduced noise and emissions, as well as superior operational flexibility, exceptional airfield performance and a range of 2,950 NM (5,463 km)*. The CSeries aircraft will be up to 12,000 lbs. (5,443 kg)* lighter than other aircraft in the same seat category and will provide passengers with a best-in-class, widebody cabin environment in a single-aisle aircraft.
As of today, Bombardier has booked orders and commitments for 445 CSeries aircraft, which include firm orders for 198 CSeries airliners. Some 17 customers and lessees have joined the CSeries aircraft program.
Титан ВСМПО - в новые программы Вombardier Aerospaсe
Все новости
13 февраля 2014
12 февраля завершился трехдневный рабочий визит делегации компании Вombardier Aerospaсe (Белфаст, Северная Ирландия) в Верхнесалдинское подразделение Корпорации ВСМПО-АВИСМА. В рамках визита состоялся ряд деловых встреч, где представители компаний обсудили вопросы производства на ВСМПО титановых штамповок и деталей с получистовой механобработкой для крыла нового самолёта CSeries.
Bombardier Aerospace и Корпорация ВСМПО-АВИСМА в 2010 году подписали долгосрочное соглашение на поставку деталей из титановых сплавов с получистовой мехобработкой сроком действия до 2020 года.
В период разработки и сертификации программ Bombardier CSeries, ВСМПО поставляло для них детали с получистовой механической обработкой, изготовленные из поковок.
Для следующей фазы развития проекта Bombardier CSeries ВСМПО начинает работу по освоению производства деталей крыла из сложноконтурных штамповок. Переход на производство деталей из штамповок требует решения многих технических и организационных вопросов.
Bombardier CSeries – это семейство региональных узкофюзеляжных двухмоторных самолётов средней дальности. На сегодняшний день представители этого семейства - единственные самолёты такого размера, которые имеют крыло из композитных материалов. В конструкции композитного крыла используется значительно большее число титановых деталей по сравнению с обычной конструкцией крыла из алюминиевых сплавов. В сентябре 2013 года был осуществлен первый полет опытного образца Bombardier CS100.
Первые самолёты CSeries начнут поступать в авиакомпании с 2015 года.