Из чего сделана СSeries, презентация CS100/CS300
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Знакомство с семейством самолётов Bombardier CSeries

15 октября 2012 года / Bombardier / Aviation EXplorer





Management / Professional Services

Corena USA Inc. Technical Manuals: S1000D CSDB configuration kit

Design / Design Software

CAE Inc. Computer-aided Simulation: Engineering services & simulation based technology tools for design, testing & certification

Stirling Dynamics Ltd. Computer-aided Simulation: Load analysis

VISTAGY, Inc., a Siemens Company Computer-aided Design: FiberSim software

Materials / Composites

Cytec Engineered Materials Ltd Carbon Fibre: Advanced composite materials

Cytec Engineered Materials, Inc. Resins: CYCOM liquid resin infusion system for manufacturing of wing structural elements

DEMA SpA Subcontracted Composite Parts: Cockpit components

M. Torres Disenos Industriales S.A. Polymer Composite Tape Lay-down: Automatic tape laying systems

SAERTEX GmbH & Co. KG Polymer Composites: High-performance multi-axial and uni-directional non-crimp fabrics for the production of major primary structures

Toho Tenax Europe GmbH Carbon Fibre: Carbon fibre material

Materials / Metals

Alcan Global Aerospace Transportation & Industry (ATI) Superalloys: AIRWARE advanced aluminium-lithium alloy technology for primary structure; Aluminium: AIRWARE low density alloys

Amari Aerospace Ltd. Metal & Alloy Suppliers:

Titanium Industries Inc. Titanium: Suppy coordinator to Bombardier and all major titanium parts suppliers

Components / Actuation

Goodrich Actuation Systems Electromechanical Actuators: High lift flap & slat actuation systems, including actuators, power drive units, wing tip brakes, electronic control units, cockpit levers, transmission shafts & sensors. Thrust reverser actuation system for PW1000G engine.

Components / Bearings

SKF Group Bearings: Hydraulic rack & landing gear titanium bearings

Components / Electrical Components

Fokker Elmo BV Wire Harnesses: Wiring & interconnection system. Flight test & instrumentation wiring for certification

Components / Lighting

C & D Zodiac Cabin Lighting: Lighting system

Goodrich Aircraft Interior Products Aircraft Exterior Lighting Systems: External lighting systems; Aircraft Interior Lighting Systems: Cabin & maintenance lighting systems

Page Aerospace Ltd Aircraft Interior Lighting Systems:

Components / Mechanical Components

Woodward MPC Engine Control Quadrants: Throttle quadrant assembly

Components / Mechanical Connectors

SKF Group Rod Ends: Rod assemblies for flight control systems & doors

Components / Non-Mechanical Components

Precision Coil Spring Co. Springs:

Components / Passive Electronic Components

TTTech Computertechnik AG Data Bus: Time-triggered protocol (TTP) data bus for fly-by-wire system (through Parker Aerospace); and for flight control computer (through Rockwell Collins)

Components / Sensors, Transducers & Detectors

Meggitt Sensing Systems Sensors/Transducers: Sensor package for PW1524G engine (through Hamilton Sundstrand)

Components / Structural Components

Asco Industries N.V Flap/Slat Mechanisms: Flap supports system

Sonaca SA Flap/Slat Mechanisms: Wing slats & tracks

Zollern GmbH & Co. KG Investment Casting Metal & Alloy Castings: Cast housing for landing gear steering control unit; investment cast housing for air-water separator; Metal & Alloy Castings: Steel castings for landing gear

Components / Valves

Precision Components, Inc. Solenoid Valves:

Airframe Systems / Airframe Assemblies

AAR Precision Systems Aircraft Control Surfaces: Composite flap track fairings

Aero Vodochody a.s. Aircraft Control Surfaces: Wing fixed leading edges

Alenia Aeronautica SpA Aircraft Control Surfaces: Horizontal & vertical stabilizers, including hydraulic, electrical & flight control systems, lights & antennas

AVIC SAC Commercial Aircraft Company Ltd Fuselage Sections: Centre fuselage; Empennages: Tailcone structure; Aircraft Doors: ; Wings: Wing-to-fuselage wingbox

Bombardier Aerospace - Belfast Wings: Composite wings

Ducommun AeroStructures, Inc. Fuselage Sections: Fuselage skins

GKN Aerospace Services Winglets: Composite winglet

Magnaghi Aeronautica S.p.A. Wing Flaps: Composite inboard/outboard flaps; Wing Spoilers: ; Aircraft Doors: Main landing gear doors

Parker Aerospace Control Systems Fly-by-Wire Systems: Fly-by-wire flight control system

Senior Aerospace SSP Bleed Air Systems: High pressure bleed air & ram air ducting systems

Sonaca SA Wings: Fixed leading edges

Spirit AeroSystems, Inc. Fairings: Aft fairing package

Airframe Systems / Cabin Interiors

C & D Zodiac Passenger Seating: Seats; Aircraft Interiors: Interiors, including linings & monuments; Storage Bins: Bins; Galleys: ; Lavatory Equipment: Lavatories

Panasonic Avionics Corp. Cabin Management Systems: Cabin management system incorporating passenger address system

Airframe Systems / Environmental Systems

C & D Zodiac Acoustic Insulation: Insulation system; Airborne Waste Removal Systems: Waste system; Water Systems: Water system

Liebherr-Aerospace SAS Air Conditioning Equipment: Air management system, including environmental control & cabin pressure control system

Senior Aerospace BWT Air Conditioning Equipment: Low pressure air distribution systems for cabin & cockpit environmental control systems

Airframe Systems / Fluid Power

Parker Aerospace Hydraulic Systems Hydraulic Systems & Equipment: Hydraulics system

Airframe Systems / Landing Assemblies

Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH Aircraft Landing Gear: Landing gear system including main & nose landing gear, control & indication system, alternative release system, proximity sensing systems & steering control system

Meggitt Aircraft Braking Systems Corporation Aircraft Wheels: ; Carbon Brakes: Electro-mechanically actuated carbon brakes; Brake System Components: Brake control system & brake wear monitoring; tyre pressure indicating system

Michelin Aircraft Tire Corporation Tyres: NZG radial tyres

Airframe Systems / Oxygen Systems & Equipment

C & D Zodiac Oxygen Systems: Oxygen system

Airframe Systems / Safety & Security Systems

Kidde Aerospace & Defense Fire Fighting/Detection Systems: Integrated fire protection system including smoke & fire detectors, environmentally-friendly fire extinguishers & control electronics

Lufthansa Technik Emergency Lighting Systems: Guideline ColourFit floor proximity lighting system

Avionics / Avionic Components

Korry Electronics Co Control Panels: Integrated cockpit control panels using Opticon solid-state switching technology

Avionics / Flight and Data Management

L-3 Communications Aviation Recorders Flight Recorders: Voice & flight data recording system

Rockwell Collins Inc. Avionics Management Systems: Pro Line Fusion integrated avionics; Onboard Computers: Primary flight control computer, attitude heading computer for fly-by-wire flight control system

Avionics / Indicators and Instruments

Goodrich Sensors & Integrated Systems Air Data Computers: SmartProbe air data system

L-3 Communications Avionics Systems Electronic Flight Instrument Systems: GH-3900 electronic standby instrument system (as part of Pro Line Fusion)

Avionics / Navigation Aids (Airborne)

Honeywell Aerospace, Sensor & Guidance Products Inertial Components & Systems: Inertial reference system

Avionics / Warning Systems

Goodrich Sensors & Integrated Systems Ice Detectors: Ice detection system

Power Systems / Auxiliary Power

Honeywell Aerospace Auxiliary Power Units:

Power Systems / Electrical Power Systems

Hamilton Sundstrand Electric Systems Airborne Electrical Power Supplies: Electric power generation system; Power Distribution Equipment: Primary & secondary power distribution systems

Power Systems / Engine Components

Goodrich Aerostructures, Singapore Nacelles: Nacelle fan cowl doors, inlet outer barrels for PW1000G engine; Thrust Reversers: Thrust reverser outer cowl design & analysis for PW1000G engine

Meggitt Control Systems Engine Heat Exchangers: Thermal management packages for P&W GTF engines (through Hamilton Sundstrand)

MTU Aero Engines Engine Parts: Forward stages of the high-pressure compressor & high-speed low-pressure turbine for PW1524G engine

Spirit AeroSystems, Inc. Engine Pylons: Pylon & strut-to-wing hardware

Volvo Aero Corporation Engine Housings: Intermediate case, turbine exhaust case, low pressure turbine shaft (for Pratt & Whitney)

Power Systems / Engines

Pratt & Whitney Large Commercial Engines Turbofan Engines: Geared Turbo Fan engine (in development)

Power Systems / Fuel Systems

Parker Aerospace, Air & Fuel Division Fuel Tanks & Systems: Fuel system; fuel tank inerting system

Power Systems / Power Transmission

Avio S.p.A Gear Drives: Fan drive gear system for PW1500G engine

Production / Computer Integrated Manufacturing

Apriso Corporation CIM Software: FlexNet manufacturing software

Coriolis Composites SAS Industrial Robots: Automated fibre placement robots

VISTAGY, Inc., a Siemens Company Computer-aided Engineering: SynchroFIT software for fastener management

Production / Production Equipment

Flow International Corp. Waterjet Equipment: Waterjets for cutting composite wing skin panels (for Bombardier Belfast)

Production / Technical Consultants

Elisen Technologies Inc. Engineering Design Services: Engineering services for design & stress analysis of fuselage

Mecachrome Canada Engineering Design Services: Engineering services for design & stress analysis of fuselage

Production / Tooling

Advanced Integration Technology, Inc. Tooling: Final assembly line tooling

COAST Composites, Inc. Tooling: Production tooling for wings

Electroimpact Jigs & Fixtures: Assembly jigs for composite wing (to Bombardier Belfast)

Janicki Industries Tooling: Wing tooling

Testing / Computer-Aided Testing

Marinvent Corp Computer-aided Testing: Flight test management software

16 Jul 2012 17:30 (опубликовано: skydiver000)

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